Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Traditional Southern Folk Meditation and Prayer


I offer a weekly meditation/journey called; Cosmic Journey and Meditation, this is done in a very traditional southern folk method.  Over the last 20 years I have offered this group in homes, churches and educational venues.  I have received many emails wanting details on what the group entails.  Often folks really do not have a concept of what it is and what to expect, this blog should provide some clarification.  Since there are many variations to this technique I will just share some of the steps you may take when you come to our group.  

One of my earliest childhood memories is that of listening from an adjoining room as groups of women and men would spend hours meditating and communing with spirit. It was not unusual for this to last overnight if needed.   Sometimes it would take the appearance of an old school prayer meeting, however as I grew up I realized it was a mix of many traditions that were melded together to form a primarily geographic form of spirituality/meditation and prayer.  Learning this, and accepting the beauty in the uniqueness of this path, allowed me to continue my exploration of the complexities of spirit while holding onto and honoring my familial traditions.  

Traditional Southern Folk Meditation derives its core from a geographical belt extending from central Oklahoma east to the Appalachians and south to the Gulf of Mexico, native American practice, primarily of the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes and more mainline faith based traditions, Ranging from Catholicism to the Apostolic (from the 1900's and charismatic movements from the 1970's).  Sprinkled in will be aspects of Wicca and TM components. It has been used for hundreds of years and has evolved into a format not only to meditate in the traditional sense, it is also used to speak with spirit and journey in other realms and planes.  If you were to observe a group of practitioners in the midst of FM, it may appear more like a old style prayer meeting or perhaps a shaman led spirit journey group, with Folk Meditation it can take many faces and is only done properly when led by spirit. No two groups are the same and they will vary greatly depending on the participants, this is one of the beauties of this form of meditation.  Folk Meditation is also key in community and group building,  encouraging us to not only meditate for our own benefit, but be concerned with the well being of our brothers and sisters.  

First it is important to note that there are no rules related to folk meditation, any guidelines are ones that are handed down via family or community traditions.  In my tradition it is very much driven by the elements, astrological timing and assertive traditional prayer techniques.  Realizing there are no rules globally to Folk Meditation, there are time tested steps in each individual tradition.  Keep in mind at this time, you will not likely find groups on every corner.  This technique tended to be closely guarded among the elder of any said group.  It has only been recently that I have found others offering this outlet for spiritual expression.  This meditation is not a religion, therefore it is not unusual for a fundamentalist christian to be seated next to a die hard Buddhist or Wiccan.  There is not judgment, only acceptance only a shared desire for betterment.  

Currently this group is being offered on Thursday evenings from 8:30-9:30 at Urban Unwind.  The address is 812 Clarks Lane, Louisville.  You are always welcome and there is no charge for this group.  

A word of caution, this is not your Aunt Sallies prayer or meditation group.  We are passionate about our work and it is not for the faint of heart! 

Here are a few things you may notice if you were to join us for a Folk Meditation group.  

  • There will be a cleansing and blessing of the space.  If done properly meditation will make you open to celestial communication and it is important the proper steps are taken to ensure purity. 
  • You are encouraged to make yourself comfortable.  You may lie down, sit in a chair or take a more traditional meditative pose.  
  • It is usually done by candlelight.  Meditating in this fashion is a sacred experience and the element of fire is considered a holy component.
  • Incense will be used.  The incense will correspond with the purpose of the FM and will be reconciled with the other elements of the experience.  The aroma, depending on what scent we are using will also serve to help you journey within or connect with the universal mind. 
  • There is often music, chosen in advance to enhance the spiritual connection.  Music not only acts to evoke emotion (water) but it also provides additional vibratory aspects.  (air)  The music may contain words or be tonal only.  
  • Colors will generally be involved as they are additional ways to make the connection to spirit.  The understanding of Color in meditation is universal, but in Folk Meditation it is taken a step further by connecting with spirit and acting as a workmate when needed later. 
  • A group may consist of one person or one thousand.  The efficacy of the Journey is not judged by the number in attendance, but it is judged by the sincerity of those who are there.  
  • The meditation may be a general time to commune with spirit (silent) or it may be specifically driven and directed to an issue or concern (journey).  
  • You will be counted down to and Alpha state to encourage the activation of the pineal gland, this is the closest physical representation of the Third Eye. (Silva and TM)
  • Spirits will be welcomed and encouraged to participate, and all entities of the light will be accepted.  (Added in the 1890's as a result of the spiritual awakening of the time)
  • The person who leads the group will continue to do meditation and journey work for you well beyond the session.  (This will vary and if you have questions please ask your group leader)  Also remember we encourage participants from all paths and we do not judge.  
  • On any given day the meditation will change depending on the need.  What remains consistent are the physical, mental and spiritual advantages to basic meditation practices.  
  • Each of the above aspects may be altered or planned around the moon or the season.  While these things are important, the need of the individual, group or global need trumps all.  It is not unusual for a member of the group to contact the leader and advise them of an issue needing spiritual attention.  Often this will be incorporated into the guided meditation.  

These aspects cover some of the ways in which we practice Traditional Southern Folk Meditation.  While I can not say each session will include them all, I can assure you that it will be a unique experience and will be good for you in many ways  

Well, I hope that gives you an idea of what Cosmic Journey and Folk Meditation involve.  Bottom line is that the meditation will provide you with spiritual and physical benefits and is a positive way to meet open minded folks on a path to enlightenment.  

If you have any questions just message me and I will be happy to clarify or expand on any of the information provided.Please join us, if you are unable to do so feel free to forward any issues or request you would like worked on during our meditation time.  We are always happy to assist. 

And so it is, 

Reverend Andrew Jaycen 

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