Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Traditional Southern Folk Meditation and Prayer


I offer a weekly meditation/journey called; Cosmic Journey and Meditation, this is done in a very traditional southern folk method.  Over the last 20 years I have offered this group in homes, churches and educational venues.  I have received many emails wanting details on what the group entails.  Often folks really do not have a concept of what it is and what to expect, this blog should provide some clarification.  Since there are many variations to this technique I will just share some of the steps you may take when you come to our group.  

One of my earliest childhood memories is that of listening from an adjoining room as groups of women and men would spend hours meditating and communing with spirit. It was not unusual for this to last overnight if needed.   Sometimes it would take the appearance of an old school prayer meeting, however as I grew up I realized it was a mix of many traditions that were melded together to form a primarily geographic form of spirituality/meditation and prayer.  Learning this, and accepting the beauty in the uniqueness of this path, allowed me to continue my exploration of the complexities of spirit while holding onto and honoring my familial traditions.  

Traditional Southern Folk Meditation derives its core from a geographical belt extending from central Oklahoma east to the Appalachians and south to the Gulf of Mexico, native American practice, primarily of the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes and more mainline faith based traditions, Ranging from Catholicism to the Apostolic (from the 1900's and charismatic movements from the 1970's).  Sprinkled in will be aspects of Wicca and TM components. It has been used for hundreds of years and has evolved into a format not only to meditate in the traditional sense, it is also used to speak with spirit and journey in other realms and planes.  If you were to observe a group of practitioners in the midst of FM, it may appear more like a old style prayer meeting or perhaps a shaman led spirit journey group, with Folk Meditation it can take many faces and is only done properly when led by spirit. No two groups are the same and they will vary greatly depending on the participants, this is one of the beauties of this form of meditation.  Folk Meditation is also key in community and group building,  encouraging us to not only meditate for our own benefit, but be concerned with the well being of our brothers and sisters.  

First it is important to note that there are no rules related to folk meditation, any guidelines are ones that are handed down via family or community traditions.  In my tradition it is very much driven by the elements, astrological timing and assertive traditional prayer techniques.  Realizing there are no rules globally to Folk Meditation, there are time tested steps in each individual tradition.  Keep in mind at this time, you will not likely find groups on every corner.  This technique tended to be closely guarded among the elder of any said group.  It has only been recently that I have found others offering this outlet for spiritual expression.  This meditation is not a religion, therefore it is not unusual for a fundamentalist christian to be seated next to a die hard Buddhist or Wiccan.  There is not judgment, only acceptance only a shared desire for betterment.  

Currently this group is being offered on Thursday evenings from 8:30-9:30 at Urban Unwind.  The address is 812 Clarks Lane, Louisville.  You are always welcome and there is no charge for this group.  

A word of caution, this is not your Aunt Sallies prayer or meditation group.  We are passionate about our work and it is not for the faint of heart! 

Here are a few things you may notice if you were to join us for a Folk Meditation group.  

  • There will be a cleansing and blessing of the space.  If done properly meditation will make you open to celestial communication and it is important the proper steps are taken to ensure purity. 
  • You are encouraged to make yourself comfortable.  You may lie down, sit in a chair or take a more traditional meditative pose.  
  • It is usually done by candlelight.  Meditating in this fashion is a sacred experience and the element of fire is considered a holy component.
  • Incense will be used.  The incense will correspond with the purpose of the FM and will be reconciled with the other elements of the experience.  The aroma, depending on what scent we are using will also serve to help you journey within or connect with the universal mind. 
  • There is often music, chosen in advance to enhance the spiritual connection.  Music not only acts to evoke emotion (water) but it also provides additional vibratory aspects.  (air)  The music may contain words or be tonal only.  
  • Colors will generally be involved as they are additional ways to make the connection to spirit.  The understanding of Color in meditation is universal, but in Folk Meditation it is taken a step further by connecting with spirit and acting as a workmate when needed later. 
  • A group may consist of one person or one thousand.  The efficacy of the Journey is not judged by the number in attendance, but it is judged by the sincerity of those who are there.  
  • The meditation may be a general time to commune with spirit (silent) or it may be specifically driven and directed to an issue or concern (journey).  
  • You will be counted down to and Alpha state to encourage the activation of the pineal gland, this is the closest physical representation of the Third Eye. (Silva and TM)
  • Spirits will be welcomed and encouraged to participate, and all entities of the light will be accepted.  (Added in the 1890's as a result of the spiritual awakening of the time)
  • The person who leads the group will continue to do meditation and journey work for you well beyond the session.  (This will vary and if you have questions please ask your group leader)  Also remember we encourage participants from all paths and we do not judge.  
  • On any given day the meditation will change depending on the need.  What remains consistent are the physical, mental and spiritual advantages to basic meditation practices.  
  • Each of the above aspects may be altered or planned around the moon or the season.  While these things are important, the need of the individual, group or global need trumps all.  It is not unusual for a member of the group to contact the leader and advise them of an issue needing spiritual attention.  Often this will be incorporated into the guided meditation.  

These aspects cover some of the ways in which we practice Traditional Southern Folk Meditation.  While I can not say each session will include them all, I can assure you that it will be a unique experience and will be good for you in many ways  

Well, I hope that gives you an idea of what Cosmic Journey and Folk Meditation involve.  Bottom line is that the meditation will provide you with spiritual and physical benefits and is a positive way to meet open minded folks on a path to enlightenment.  

If you have any questions just message me and I will be happy to clarify or expand on any of the information provided.Please join us, if you are unable to do so feel free to forward any issues or request you would like worked on during our meditation time.  We are always happy to assist. 

And so it is, 

Reverend Andrew Jaycen 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why Meditate?

Hello Fellow Seekers,

Anyone I have provided an intuitive reading for knows one of my first questions is, Are you meditating?  If I have read for you a second time the question is, How many times a week are you meditating?  It is my own personal, magical mission to encourage everyone I come in contact with to meditate at least one time a day.  Why...I really don't have the space here to discuss all the reasons, physical, mental, spiritual and on and on so I will stick to why it is relative to meditate if you seek spiritual advice.

When you enter into an agreement with an intuitive or other spiritual advisor, you not only agree to listen with your ears, contemplate with your mind and move accordingly, you agree to open a connection of vibratory realness, hmmm "vibratory realness".

This goes for any type of advisor advisee relationship.  This does not mean that you accept everything you are told, quite the opposite, in fact you should mentally question every word.  However if you take the time to meditate, while contemplating the advice or information you are given the advantages are multiple, just a few:

1.  There is a more clear connection each time you meet with the advisor.  This allows for a more complete flow of information and spiritual connection.  You will have a constant flow of energy with your advisor that is less likely to be polluted by outside static.

2.  Your spirit guides will be more attuned to the situations and realities of your discussions and will appear more clear in relation to your next steps.  Meditation is like having a follow up session with your intuitive.  Keeps everyone on the same page as it were. 

3.  There is less likely to be misinterpretation of the advice given.

Now for my advisor friends, please allow me this indulgence to say; if we are not mediating shame on us.  While we can never be 100% on all our advice, we are not the creator and we deal with free will, we owe it to anyone seeking our advice to be as spiritually attuned and connected as we can.  There are a few things in our daily walk that we can have `100% control of, and this is one of those things. What are the benefits to us? I'm glad you asked!

1.  Meditating helps to clear the way for a free flow of triad communication.

2.  Increasing our ability to focus

3.  Places us in a reverent state of mind and makes us more receptive to the spiritual messages we receive.

OK, I know most of us would love to be sitting on a mountain somewhere or on the beach contemplating the universal mysteries, for most of us that is not possible, so how do we balance our meditative walk.  Keep in mind Andrews Axioms in relation to Meditation:

  • There is no right or wrong way to meditate.  The fact that you do it is the most important step.  The correct way will be revealed to you in time, the correct way for you! 
  • If nothing else closing your eyes for three minutes in contemplation will be a start.  By doing this you activate your Pineal Gland to become receptive to light without the aid of your physical sight.  This gland is the closest physical representation to the spiritual third eye. 
  • Complete quite and the proper posture is not essential.  I do believe they are preferable, but you will achieve your most complete meditative return on investment by meditating as you feel most comfortable.  In my mediation groups I tell everyone comfortable. 
  • Incorporate words, colors, sounds and aromas into your mediation when able.  
So there, three minutes with your eyes closed, simply that is it if your goal in improved spiritual communication and clarity.  

In my tradition there are multiple meditations for specific requests, I am happy to share these with you if you contact me.  Better yet consider joining me for mediation, email me for times and locations.  These meditation groups are guided and come from a southern folk magic tradition.  Email me with questions.

My you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!    

Many blessings
Andrew Jaycen

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Planting seeds during the time of harvest!

As we move closer to the season change, I am reminded of the smallness of our world.  It was the summer of 1969 and I was a young child staying with my grandmother on the banks of the Green River.  Usually by this time in the evening Grandmother would have put me to bed, notice I didn't say "to sleep". She knew that it was the darkness and night that brought the more interesting spirits around, and her little boy blue would not miss that.  

On this particular night she stood up from her rocking recliner and said, lets go out and see the men on the moon!!!  We made our way out the front door and down the wooden steps onto the yard already moist with dew.  The night air was cool and the view of the stars was crystal clear.  I still remember the way her hand felt in mine, soft and wrinkled and stronger than any beast known to man or God.  

She stooped down and said, "look, can you see them walking around?"  Never wanting to disappoint her I said, "I think so".  She then explained to me that even though our mental/physiological capacity did not allow us to register that we saw them, we indeed did. I was only around 3 years old but I remember those words, and having absolutely NO idea what she was talking about, but she smelled like sugar cookies so she had my undivided attention.   

We then went back in the house and her phone was ringing, two short rings and one long ring, she had a true "party line".  It was a lady from the next town over in distress.  "Now you go on to bed", she said "I have work to do, and don't forget your prayers".  

As I was told I went back to my small bedroom in her shack, laying on the tiny bed and looking out the window at the large backyard.  To the right I could see the reflection of the moon on the river, to the left the wood line that held mysteries and a world of opportunity.  Directly back from my window I could see the out house with its well worn path.  On this particular night there were at least a dozen rabbits running around.  I watched them for a minute th then off to sleep. 

My dreams were full of fantasy that evening.  Perhaps due to the conversation with my grandmother, or due to the work she was doing in the next room. 

Years later it dawned on me that she had taken me out on the night of the moon landing, she had used a mundane opportunity to instill a magical truth into my developing psyche.  She had planted a seed in me, one that would take years to come to fruition but one that was potent and true. The intent is every bit as important as the anticipated outcome and it does not matter what we see with our physical eyes, its what we direct with our cosmic consciousness.   

In our small worlds it can be easy to forget to plant those seeds.  We spend so much time hunting and gathering, defending and attacking and focusing on the lack in our own lives.

One of the most effect seed planting methods is meditation.  There is no right or wrong way to meditate, it is the intent and focus that is important.  It is also important for us to be in contact with nature.  The manner in which we achieve this contact is irrelevant, it is that we do.  It can be sitting watching your goldfish, your puppy or just looking out the window at the sky.  Do this consistently and with intent to connect.   

As always if you have any questions send me an email or message and I am happy to discuss.  I wish you blessings and light.    

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A happy puppy and memories of the Fruit Moon

While it is certain we will have many hot and muggy days ahead, this August in Kentucky has been mild and beautiful.  If you sit perfectly still and allow your senses to engage the magic of season the change is almost palatable.  The trees seem a bit more sleepy and the animals a tad more intense, all in anticipation of the  dark cool days of Autumn.  For me I think of this time of the year as the beginning of the "season of the witch".  

I was sitting in the park yesterday watching my silly Cocker Spaniel puppy play with the other dogs, he rolled down the hill then up he would jump only to be knocked down again.  As I observed his play, my mind wandered to things of the mundane such as: my health, bills, the many projects I could be working on, and other issues.  I noticed my body had become tense, breathing was increased and the happy smile I had possessed just a few minutes earlier had been wrestled from my face, thrown to the ground and had its butt kicked by a worried scowl…YUCK! 

After many years of meditation and spirit work I know that to fight these emotions and thoughts are vain, we must flow with the river not against it.  So putting my focus back on the pups running up the hill I thought again about how they seemed to have no worries, no cares.  Total focus was placed on fun, movement and in the case of my dog, determining who else on the hill had dog treats!  

The full moon for August will occur on the 20th, in my tradition it is known as the Fruit Moon and will be in Aquarius.  Now is the time to take every opportunity to plant seeds for the coming year.  For my family and community this was the time of the year we would acknowledge the relationship and dependency between the animal kingdom and human kingdoms. 

I am reminded of spending time along the banks of the Green River as a child. Every August around the full moon my Grandmother and I would go out to the River, just a few steps down a steep bank  and across some ancient stone steps.  She would carry a big bag of cornmeal and bird seed.  I would wait every year for her to tell me the story of the animal kingdom changing courts and rulers during this season.  It would begin;

Today, today, today
The royal wedding is
Was this why you were born,
Destined for joy by the Gods.
                                    And unto joy of the Gods Designed?

Pointing up at a squirrel she would determine where in the process our furry friends were in choosing a King and Queen.  If they were lazing about that meant they were still in the process of choosing a new king and queen,  If they were scurrying about they had just chosen the rulers for the coming winter and were busily preparing for the long cold nights ahead, sure to have plenty to eat for their new leaders.  

Each time she would excitedly and dramatically proclaim, "The King and Queen have been crowned Long Live The Royals"!!!  When I was young, though it may seem silly, I would get so excited about this.  We would then reach into our sacks of seed and meal and place them respectfully around the banks and bushes.  It was our intention to help the animals around our house to bring an impressive bounty of treasured food to their new King and Queen!  It was a recurring theme with her that we were and are our brothers and sisters keepers.  We should and must look out for each other.  To Grandmother our brothers and sisters included all living things.  The Gods help anyone who would mistreat an animal and my Grandmother found out about it.  My skin still gets bumpy and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end when I think about the Magick she reserved for those who would do such a thing…but that is for a different day!   

The August Moon, while in my tradition was known as the Fruit or Mulberry Moon, later become known as the Dog Days Moon by the early settlers in this land.  Though we now are more European in lineage than native, to my Grandmother and myself it is still the fruit moon and I still believe there is a rabbit, snake or deer out there somewhere waiting to be crowned King or Queen!   

The world in which I lived some 40 years ago, was much different now when one thinks of our relationships to animals.  Many household pets never came in the house, and would never see a doctor.  Our dogs held a purpose, to hunt for food and to stand watch over our home.  This has changed for most of us, I hold to the notion that as we moved from the piscean age into the aquarian age, from a masculine note to a more maternal feminine cosmic note our relationship with animals became more emotional and less utilitarian.  

So in honor of her memory and in the memory of our animal friends who have crossed over the previous 12 months, I ask that you take a couple of steps to honor those beings in our realm who live for the moment. 

1.  As you are able donate your time and/or money to non profit groups in your area who work with animals.  

2.  Go outside to a place you feel connected with spirit and repeat the following words as often as you wish.  While this has been paraphrased a bit, the words, phrases and intentions can be traced back over 200 years in my family.  My Grandmother would recite this (to the best of my memory) every year at the Fruit moon.  Usually spoken in a mixture of Kant and a native tongue.   

Most exalted and illumined ones, 
you who run through the Forrest and meadows with abandon.
You who live in our homes standing guard over our sleeping selves and possessions. 
You who journey with us in spirit as we walk among the realms, ensuring we find our way home.  
You who swim in the waters and fly in the heavens. 
We/I acknowledge your divinity and your realness, we offer our respect and reverence, for you allow us to partake in your worlds experience.  
Oh elevated spirit, I ask that you remove any discomfort, any pain, any fear that may attempt to intrude upon our animal friends.  For we know to live as a creature of the wood, water or air is to climb the ladder to enlightenment.  

So it is So it is……

Many blessings to all and continued bliss!
Andrew Jaycen 
Offered in honor of Chief, Fallon, Magnolia, Bubbles, Hannah, Sadie and any and all others who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge in advance of us.  Run, play and eat we shall see you soon.  

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Connection with spirit and those around you.

Blessings All,
This morning I just didn't want to get out of bed, it was one of those days.  As I lay there thinking about the day ahead, my mind wandered back to those times I spent with my grandmother on the banks of the Green River.  Every Sunday morning was the same, I would wait until the last minute to get up and get ready for church.  I got my way with almost anything with my grandmother except Church!  It did not matter what I said or what sickness I claimed to be suffering from, and believe me I tried them all, I always ended up on the pew next to her eating Velamint after Velamint praying.....for it to be over.
She always said that not only did we owe attendance to spirit, but we had to attend for the fellowship and communication with our neighbors.  Knowing and seeing what I did regarding her spirit communciation it made little sense to me.  My Grandmother was in continual communication with spirit.  It didn't make sense to me then and to be truthful it didn't much until the last few years.  
A wise book once stated, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together".  As my life has changed, the amount of face to face human interaction has changed. I have folks who come to see me daily for consultations and coaching sessions as well as my communication via phone and I would not change that for anything, I love these people. Yet spirit has caused me to pause and take note of the amount of time I have with friends to just sit and chat.
I am very much a community person, I love to communicate with people and simply hear about their day.  I care about my neighbors (universal) and the details of their lives.  For the last week or so spirit has continually brought to the forefront the issue of human connection. Many of my clients lack this face to face companionship. While I have been in situations where I had rather be alone than spend time with people who do not click with me and if this is you I relate, however even the opportunity to learn from those folks is holy ground.
I want to encourage you to make an effort to meet with or meet someone new every week. Always, even with friends, shield yourself with light and peace then as you meet them say to yourself, "I dedicate this to God"(you may use spirit, universe or whatever word you like). Listen to them as you would a wise ascended master or guide, without judgment. When you leave the meeting say a prayer or meditation for that person.  It can be as simple as the one my grandmother gave me to say after any consultation or session:
“Spirit, I thank you for the time you have given me with_________.  I acknowledge that you are working in their life and I thank you for this miracle.  I honor the shift in perception you have placed before me and them.  May you use our time together as a tool for transmutation and transformation for us both.  Where there was doubt I see confidence, where there was fear I see boldness, where there was pain I see comfort.  I honor you and all of your creatures amen”.
While my days are filled with my clients, friends, family and pets, there was a time I knew the sting of loneliness.  There was a time in my life where this exercise would have been impossible for me to do with another human, but I will save those details for another blog.  If this is you, I encourage you to do so with one of your furry friends.  I had a wise old Chihuahua who spent many hours listening to me ramble about my day……and she loved it!! 
The point is movement and intention as no man or woman is an island unto themselves, open the lines of communication and see things change for you. While I have given this a more current vibe, the basics of this come from a time where isolation could be the difference between life and death. In my grandmothers day community was serious business.  While it is not that dramatic in the physical plane now, it may be in spirit! 


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Thank You that Changed the Cosmos!

Hello Friends, 

So those of you who know me know of my love of many things;  my sweets, my animals, my book collection and coffee.  I was sitting in the coffee house down the street from my house waiting for the caffeine boost I would need to face a gloomy Tuesday morning. As I watch the staff interacting with folks a few  words come to mind such as; concerned, driven, stressed, kind, peaceful, efficient, good.  I  allow these words to waft about my consciousness without censorship or judgement related to their respective definition.  If I were to bring any group of 5 folks through here most likely similar words would come to mind.  As we order our coffee, go to work and interact with others, the universe continues on it's way.  I watch the manager as she navigates the tricky landscape of customer service and employee relations skillfully and with grace.  One phrase is repeated often and with vigor, THANK YOU!

I say that when spoken with sincerity and honesty phrases such as, "Thank You" and "You’re Welcome", can change or alter not only the recipients day,  but it effects the person offering such niceties on a grander scale.  I contend that it not only has an affect on those who are involved in the conversation, but on this entire plane and realm.  You see the universe is the ultimate “web crawler”, constantly looking for clues and directives with which to mold our individual realities.  These realities meld together forming the illusion that is our physical world in turn prompting and triggering brain waves and emotions that are in fact reality.  Therefore one who is constantly in a state of gratitude is a beacon and spiritual magnet for additional realities which are in accord with their own vibratory patterns.   

To bring this back to the Coffee Shop,  the phrase "Thank You".  How do we get the maximum spiritual and creative bang for our cosmic buck?  Are you thankful for objects, if so is this real?  From a metaphysical perspective the only "reality" are the vibratory patterns our brain produces and the resulting connections, expressions and the cosmic language of love.  To be thankful for a “thing” is to send precious energy out into the universe, undirected and unaligned.  Things,  do not in fact exist, emotions and brain energy exist. It is my belief that we can, on a word by word basis, change our own reality and the reality of our world using some simple word shifts.  My challenge to you is this, direct your words of thanks, as well as your emotional investment to the thought that will in fact honor that which is real.  By doing this you will encourage a more direct and instant universal return on your energy prompt.   In addition you will influence the overall magnetic field that is unique to our existence on this planet.  For example;

Coffee Shop Attendant:  Here is your coffee sir.
Me:  Thank You

That is perfectly OK, however from a universal perspective and with an eye toward a more peaceful and happy world this may work better;

Coffee Shop Attendant:  Here is your coffee sir. 
Me: Thank you for your kindness/promptness/efficiency the adjectives are numerous.  

The act of acknowledging what is real i.e. service, kindness etc is a way to prompt the universe into motion, priming the pump if you will.  When you do react in such a manner you are behaving in a way that is befitting universal royalty, the act and reaction of a universal priesthood.  I know it may seem a stretch but I have witnessed its effects over and over again.  

If you believe, and I do, that our reality, our universe as we know it is in fact a dynamic system then the Lyapunov Exponent would tend to apply in this circumstance.  Basically this theory states that the effect will always and ultimately be driven and influenced by the point from which it begins.  The Lyaponuv exponent is often used to quantify the  "Butterfly Effect Theory" that contends a universal sensitive dependency on initial conditions, simply stated, a movement of an insect wing on one continent can change the weather patterns around the world. 

This idea is supported by every major theological system and the mathematical sciences all the way up to and including the chaos theory, all coming to the same conclusion each on it's own path. (this will be addressed in future blogs).

 We, by using the proper verbiage while taking aim with powerful and directed intent, we as creators show respect for our power as such.  These acknowledgments of cosmic reality include;
1.  Acknowledgement of another humans existence and respect for their worth with emphasis on the mirror of their own reality.
2.  Acknowledgement to the universe that you understand what is real and that you are in awe of its beauty and recognize it’s strength.  
3.  Acknowledgement that, what you give.. you receive and that what you say has the creative power of the universe.   That which is real + Acknowledgement + Vibratory Connection or Energy Prompt = Positive Gl0bal Outcome.  

If you aren't familiar with my philosophies or belief system, I can imagine that you are thinking I am a little coo coo or at the least my words are quite a stretch.  I genuinely believe that the most innocent or seemingly simple words or phrases can and do trigger events on a massive scale.  I also believe that repeating certain words or phrases in a manner that is consistent with a universal tone can create positive outcomes on a universal basis, this can be noted in Zen Meditation, Muslim prayers, Catholic Prayers and even what Christians call speaking in a Spiritual Language.  There will be a day when science will possess tools that will measure the power of the spoken word, much like a thermometer measures the temperature of a room.  Using just the correct word in conjunction with the correct tone, intention or vibration can bring positive and powerful results.

No matter your current situation please know that here are people who care for you and see the value you posses.  Sometimes the folks are in the next room, sometimes on the other side of the globe, but they are there.  Do something nice today, even if it is just a kind and heartfelt thank you!  

As always I welcome your questions or comments,

With Continued Bliss
Andrew Jaycen 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lost Pets and A Spiritual Boom-A-Rang!


Hello Sweethearts,

I was contacted this week by a distraught lady whose cat was missing.  Being an animal lover myself these types of cases always take priority for me and they have become a larger and larger portion of my work.  As I was speaking with the lady I quickly went to work setting up an alter.  While this works for me, and I am happy to provide a template for such if you would like just email me, it's not always practical.   When a pet goes missing, there are several different reasons, especially when the animal has served as a spiritual co worker with you. 

1.  Some pets simply leave.  It is sad and difficult to handle yet it is a fact of life.  There are many reasons for this and we must, when working with spirit, blend in free will and universal will in the equation.  Perhaps it was their time to cross over any number of other reasons. 

2.  Often a very in tune animal will be drawn to an area or person who is in need of protection or healing.  A strong animal will sometimes stand watch.  One of the first questions I will ask is, "do you have a neighbor who is in turmoil in some fashion?"  If so I will advise them to go to the house and see if the animal is hiding somewhere close by, often this is the case.  

The following is a simple spiritual POA to address this problem. 

  • First light a green candle and place (safely) in the area your pet loves the most, close to a window or door is best.  Next petition the deity of your choice to assist you and your pet, providing safety and comfort to both.  Then if you typically use scented candles or incense, light them, several of them.  Open a door or window allowing the aroma to waft through the air.  Now relax and know that spirit cares for our animals and blesses them with resilience and strength beyond our understanding. 

I always recommend taking the mundane steps such as posters and internet searches to locate fluffy, cause sometimes it's just that simple.  If you know a spirit worker in your area whom you trust, contact them, let them go to work for you, only speak of the issue with those around you who are sympathetic to your plight.  Unfortunately not everyone understands the gravity of a lost pet. 

There is a happy ending to my clients lost kitty, they are now happily cuddling on the sofa.  Perhaps most important is being thankful to spirit for acting on the behalf of your pet and yourself.  Be sure and offer thanks for the assistance and if you are able make a small donation to a local Non Profit Animal Rescue   or  ASPCSA

Remember I am here for you if you should ever need me, and blessings to you!

This blog is dedicated to Maggie, Fallon, Butchie and all other anima's in spirt.

Andrew Jaycen

Monday, February 18, 2013

Chronic Spiritual Fatigue

Hello All, 

Before my eyes opened this morning I was reminded of a good friend . "John", is from another state and he has consistently made trips to see me for readings, over many years he has become afriend as well. He is challenged with several chronic physical issues. Due to these ailments, he used to state that his ability to meditate or follow what he considers a true spiritual path, was inhibited.

It was always my retort to that,"challenges based on his ailments enhance and magnify his walk". Being a longtime client and a good friend he would politely nod and move on. About a year ago I was meditating and praying for him when spirit spoke to me and stated, give these "dynamics" to John, I quickly grabbed a pen and paperand wrote down the following words. During our next meeting I shared this with him:

· Acknowledgment- The knowing that we have the ability to influence our condition. We know that there are some issues that are soingrained in the lower plane physical/spiritual quicksand that our attitudes may be the only thing we can change. Heck, maybe that is too much, maybe all we can do is verbally state that we are in control and it takes all our energy tojust repeat positive affirmations, if that's the case do it, it is OK. AA has this right
· Recognition- In order to make any changes, we must recognize that which we love, and that which we fear. Remember 99.9% of all we do, seeand feel rests on one of those two categories. It is a small leap from love tosoul enhancement and from hate to murder. As humans we have both love and fear embedded in our psychic DNA. To move forward be honest with yourself and recognize that which you love and that which you fear. it is OK. Violetflame meditation I use
· Choice- It states in a holy book to "prayer without ceasing". As we go through our day it is important to maintain constant communication with spirit. Remember we have spent eons communication with the creator. When we meditate or pray, this energetic cord is strengthened and we become more aware of spiritual guidance and influences. The choice to maintain that dialogue makes a major impact on our spiritual energy. The Christian's have this one correct!
· Ownership- The example I was given was the old time practice within the Roman church of Confession. As humans through our choices we cause many "psychic hitchers" to attach to to as we go through our dailylives. For example someone cuts us off in traffic and we scream and yell! Well in fact that energetic imprint not only remains in the location in which it was created, it also attaches to the us. Again it is OK, as long as you"own" the creation. In order to process this, at a later time thinkit, understand that it is OK, that you and the "offender" is human.Take the emotion and send as much love to that person as you are able. By doingthis you will transform the negative into the positive through the power of the human heart. Own it then give yourself a break!
To be honest I did not at the timecompletely understand these steps, nor why spirit insisted upon the term"dynamics". About three months after John and I had spoken and Irelayed this information to him, I received a call from him. He reported thatthings were more compatible to what he expected from his spiritual life.

It was interesting to me that as he discussed his new found spiritual confidence, it was not as much directed at the "dynamics" listed above, as it was his willingness to see things differently, a shift in perception as it were, Acourse in miracles state a Miracle is a shift in perception.. wan

Therefore I want to challenge you today, to create your own dynamics to enhance your spirit. Use the theology ofyour choice, just set your mind to it and watch it develop.

Many Blessings


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Will You Be Mine? Happy Valentines Day.

Happy Valentines Day to all my little Blogentine Sweethearts!

As I reflect about my experiences related this day set aside for lovers, I am reminded about the true story of Valentines Day, as told my my favorite Aunt. 

When I was very young, around 7, I remember watching my Aunt Norma as she applied a heavy coat of make up.  I gazed in amazement as she skilfully applied the different layers and colors, like an artist painting a canvass. "What are you doing Auntie"? I asked, "Oh sweetie I am putting on my war paint"!  She laughed and I giggled.  It is important to note here that my aunt was 1/2 Cherokee or Choctaw, depending on who you believed!  Therefore I didn't really know how to respond or feel about what she said.  In my tender imagination it was not difficult for me to see her on horseback, with a knife in one hand and a big sack in the other going out to catch the man of her dreams! 

She then explained to me that for our people, Valentines Day was extremely close to a day of celebration that acknowledged the return of longer days, more wildlife and thankfulness to a Deity of the harvest.  It was customary in our tradition to use this day to visit the sick, lonely or grave sites of those buried over the winter.  No one ever felt lonely on this day, because you would not have time to do so.  There was always someone to see or someone at your door to see you.  She told the story of how when the organized religion began to settle around our ancestors, they began to strongly encourage that we merge with their holidays.  She explained that while our celebration was on the 15th of February, the church honored a martyred 3rd century Saint on the 14th.  So as often was the case, we ceased our celebration and acclimated to the church's date. 

And today, I know many people, male and female who see the day as one of dread, loneliness or even warfare.  For those of you who have been in the dating community you know it can feel like you've been in battle!

For this day I want to encourage you.  First to know that you are not alone, there is someone who loves you and is thinking about you right now.  In times past I felt that the only one who loved me was a 3 lb chihuahua...and you know that time it was all I needed, though I wanted more, I asked the universe to send me love and that is exactly what happened. 

I want to share with you a short meditation to use to help focus your own intent and petition the universe to send you the love you desire. 

1.  On Valentines Day, always have a white candle burning
2.  Wear Red or Pink as able
3.  Before you go to bed tell those around you that you love them.  This could be your pet, your plants or yourself.  Do so with sincerity and grace.
4.  Tell your Deity of your desire for your love.  Be specific and be confident in your request.
5.  Offer thanks and then appreciate and honor the rest you will take, as when your love does enter your life those long nights of rest may be a memory <wink>.

Always know my friends that you are not alone and there are still good times to be had.  And remember I am here for you if you have questions or concerns.

Many Blessings


Monday, February 11, 2013

Think Anne Rice writing as a gay man; Beyond Love by J.A. Harmon

Wow! This book is one that every person interested in the afterlife, witches, ghosts and many other aspects of the paranormal should read. I read this two times and I am starting on my third time. My emotions shifted from fear to sorrow to triumph with each chapter. J.A.'s time in NOLA and his desire for answers related to the expanded thought realm mixes with his own love and death experiences to brew up a wickedly delicious literary cocktail.  By releasing Mr. Harmon's book Dreamspinner Press has shown once again why they are a force to be reckoned with in the new world of Publishing
J.A. Harmon’s Beyond Love is a unique breath of fresh air in the world of paranormal fiction…think Anne Rice writing as a gay man!  In similar fashion to Anne Rice’s style, Harmon’s writing entices and seduces all creeds, colors and sexual identities in a classically futuristic manner.   As I read this book I kept thinking of my emotions back in the eighties, as I read Anne Rice and her Vampire books.  Fresh, new and beyond what is expected in a fiction offering.  Then add the fact that Beyond Love is Harmons freshman offering makes him one to watch. 
The brief synopsis below was taken from the website. 
“Sometimes love is stronger than death. Former foster child Gabriel Jacobs is determined to make something of his life. Easygoing and more comfortable in a pair of old sweats than the Brooks Brothers suits he will have to wear when he finishes his law degree, Gabriel is also a naïve romantic looking for love. That turns out to be a problem when the ghost of Adrien Beauchene, the son of a French plantation owner, makes an appearance in the house Gabriel just moved into. Adrien is convinced Gabriel is the reincarnation of his slave turned lover, a man he has spent 160 years waiting for.
Before long, Adrien gains control of Gabriel. He vows not to be parted from his love again, even if that means Gabriel must join him in the spirit world. But Gabriel’s best friend, Scott, won’t give up without a fight. He enlists the help of a gypsy witch and twin warlocks Jaivyn and Jaquan to keep Gabriel safe. As Adrien tightens his grip, Gabriel begins to fade, and Jaivyn grows desperate. He and Gabriel just met—Jaivyn can’t lose him now….”
After you read the book I would love to know your thoughts.  After Law School in New Orleans, Mr. Harmon moved to Louisville where he now resides.
Visit Harmons Webpage where you can purchase Beyond Love and learn more about this up and comming author.  I will be posting an interview with Mr. Harmon in the near future.